Hit that perfect beat

That didn’t last long, the whole dating idea. 24 hours of consideration and nah, it’s so much more fun to go night biking in the warm May night, celebrating being unthethered, free to run around reveling in how beautiful this world can be. Waking up early AF all weekend, supercharged by sunshine, powering through chores with a dance focused soundtrack, all floaty and baked and trying to ignore my deep concern for planet and humans and hoping that’s not foreshadowing.

The glorious bit of summer is being able to walk, bike, and omg I am fully on board with moving all over right now, accompanied by the heaven that are my new Shokz. What bliss last night to take my regular tank of a bike out and roll through the scented night, stars dimly visible and music up loud, but still able to hear. Safety first lmao. Actually, #safetyisoursecondpriority

Love and light to all.


Beat Of Your Heart – Purple Disco Machine, ASDIS (currently on repeat)
Au Revoir – Filatov & Karas, Busy Reno
Paralyzed – Roosevelt

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Harder faster better

Daily writing prompt
Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

Quotes to live by can be wonderful – bite sized bits of motivation and encouragement. The title above is a fave, as are these:

Try hard things
No ER visits
Baby steps
Be the reason someone believes there are good people out there

There are so many more, but I’m still wrecked and emotional from the horrible trauma of my sweet little dog crossing the rainbow bridge so to speak, and that’s all I can manage for today.

Love to all

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Wet dreams

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I was passionately in love with whitewater kayaking for years, and that love was one of the reasons my bf and I moved to Portland. There are numerous stretches of river within a couple of hours’ drive, including a few that became favorites that I paddled over and over. You can never get complacent with the river, it’s wild and powerful but when you paddle the same stretch multiple times per week for years, you get to know the feel of it pretty well, how the eddies and currents change with the seasons and water levels. Before you know it, checking CFS levels is a daily fix, and dreams of rushing water and beautiful scenery are commonplace. Along with those dreams of being upside down and smashing your face into rocks lol. I used to go to Pint Night a lot with a great group of other kayakers and we’d watch a bunch of kayak porn (videos of people doing intense, funny, and/or cool things in their kayaks) and get all psyched up for the next adventure.

Although I was a pretty conservative boater due to some early sketchy accidents in spring runoff and other things I won’t go into, I certainly bought into the urge to push it hard. You achieve a certain level of competence and there’s a lot of temptation to push your limits, run taller drops and bigger water. So I did. Once I had some acquaintance/friends going rafting and I brought my IK along just in case. As suspected, the group immediately started drinking and getting somewhat obnoxious, and it was a class III-V run, with a particularly difficult section of massive boulders where missing the line was not an option. I was on top of my game, felt great and was not going in the damn raft with those idiots. What I failed to realize was that those idiots would move super slow, navigate badly, and block the entire exit line of the rapid. The water was running fast and hard and oh man I was ripping through perfectly, but then I had nowhere to go and ran right into the raft which was partially beached on one of the boulders. They grabbed for me but the current was pushing my boat under theirs and I was in danger of getting pinned between the raft and boulder so I jerked loose and hoped for the best. It happened so fast but then I was underwater a very long time. The current was so intense that I couldn’t do much except ride along, couldn’t see much, could feel the air running out as the roar of the river blocked everything else out. I popped up at the last possible moment and paddled like a MF for my boat. I was wearing a dry suit, but the cold water saps your energy quickly and holy shit what a ride.

I don’t regret that one, although I do regret not going in front of the stupid raft. There are worse ways to go, but I acknowledge that I was super lucky in not dying that day. If I’d been drinking or smoking weed I bet the outcome would have been different.

Additional note: I refused to paddle with that group again or anyone else who drinks or uses drugs while boating. Respect the power of the river and wait until your runs are safely done for the day. No one wants river access cut off and families in distress while a deceased loved one is retrieved from a rapid where they got pinned underwater.


The Black – VHS Collection
Realize – Roosevelt
Lone Survivor – The Wrecks
Waves – Blondfire

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Keeping it simple

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

I’m glad that I have pretty simple tastes although that makes it challenging limiting this list to five things:

Morning coffee at sunrise
Driving around with windows down and the music on
The unlimited learning and connections possible with the internet
Dancing around my apartment

Might as well keep going, because all these things are worth celebrating, especially with my history of depression and how that used to suck the joy and ease out of even the simplest of things.

Friends and family and the connections that build us up
Affordable health care
A car that runs reliably
Sweet pets that melt our hearts
Flirting and attraction to kindred spirits
All the art and cool shit humans create
Jumping into silky cool water on a hot summer day
When things work out just right
The four seasons
Reading through a juicy stack of books
Feeling competent and needed at work
Cooking food that comes out edible
Baking for loved ones

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Getting real on the daily prompt

Daily writing prompt
Describe something you learned in high school.

I learned that a terrifying number of older dudes don’t GAF and actually prefer how young you are, teenagers can be heartlessly cruel (Idaho was hell and doesn’t seem to have changed much since then), and the friends you make in high school can last a lifetime.

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